C Kameswara Rao
Foundation for Biotechnology Awareness and Education
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
routinely and stringently used the ‘Principle
of Substantial Equivalence’
(PSE) for decades to assure the public of the safety
of foods and drugs marketed in the
In the context
of modern agricultural biotechnology, antitech
activists have repeatedly made PSE an issue of serious concern.
are made in every country to demonstrate that a genetically engineered (GE)
variety (transgenic) and its products are ‘substantially equivalent’ (SE) to
its conventional variety (isogenic) and its products,
but for the new genes (transgenes) in the transgenic variety
and the consequent expected products of the transgenes. Once SE is established, the FDA requires no
further regulatory review.
the ‘provision for voluntary consultation’, the
The presence
of new genes that would code for fats, proteins or carbohydrates in the GE
products that may be toxic or may cause allergies or may adversely affect the nutritional
value of the product, prevents certification as SE or GRAS, without additional appropriate
and adequate testing.
from GE soybean, tomato, corn, cotton, etc., on the
The policy of the FDA did not result in any health concerns and
over 350 million
GE products as SE or GRAS is not mandatory in the
In the
application of PSE, the comparison should only be between the GE variety and
At no time, transgenics can be wholly SE to their isogenics
in their entire genotypes and this is not related to transgenic technology.
Even to start with, members of the same population are not entirely genetically
identical. In addition, mutations occur naturally and randomly, involving
different genes. Lethal mutations are naturally eliminated. Mutations of the
genes of the desired characteristics are eliminated in the process of
selection, but those that do not affect the desired characteristics escape attention
and accumulate. After a certain number of generations, a critical genetic analysis
will contravene SE, although SE can be established for the genes of the desired
characteristics. Such a situation would cause problems in some countries, where
The official consensus of the European Union (EU) is that, SE should only
be used to inform of basic safety assessments and so GE products require
further confirmatory analysis by sophisticated methods. The EU safety regulations,
based on this premise, are so stringent that they raised doubts whether any GE product will at all qualify
to be considered safe.
The Codex Alimentarius
Commission (CAC) is the
international organization established in 1963, jointly by the FAO and WHO,
under the Food Standards Programme to set
international guidelines for food standards and safety. Comprised of 165 member countries, the CAC sees
SE as a starting point in the regulatory process rather than as the end point.
the importance given to PSE, it has been criticized as vague, ill defined,
In the debate on SE it is often held that,
a) the focus of SE has been well known nutritionally
significant components, occurring in significant quantities,
b) the studies employed routine food safety testing
methods which are not sensitive enough to detect all components and are not
detailed total critical analyses,
c) that more sophisticated and deep analytical
approaches may reveal chemical compounds hither to unexpected and unknown,
which may make the GE products unsafe for human consumption, and
d) in the
Metabolomics is an area of sophisticated but complex ‘fingerprinting’ procedures
that provide for a detailed profiling of all products of metabolism in a
cell. Metabolomic
studies by Catchpole Gareth and 11 others in 2005 demonstrated
that, apart from targeted changes, field grown GE potatoes and their
traditional cultivars were SE to each other. The minor differences that were found between
the GE and the non-GE varieties were of the same kind and magnitude of such
differences among the non-GE varieties, that occur on account of natural
variation in gene expression. None of
these differences are significant in the context of the safety of the GE
potatoes for human consumption. This
study is safe from all reasonable criticism.
activists groups demand sophisticated and complex procedures to establish SE,
but such procedures entail time and money escalating consumer costs and so
cannot be routine methods of establishing SE.
They should be used only if there was justification, perceived from standard
analyses, to go for more intensive methods.
Invoking SE, which relates
only to food and feed, in issues of non-target organisms such as the aquatic
arthropod Daphnia magna with reference to MON 810 Bt corn, as was done last year, is tantamount to shifting
goal posts. There are other mandatory procedures
to assess the impact of GE crops and products on non-target organisms and the environment.
There is a
dire need for a uniform and harmonized international policy on SE. On account
of the concerns raised, the PSE should be re-examined, for re-defining its applicability
to GE crop plants and their products, laying emphasis on a reasonable application
of the principle, addressing only those genes and their products that are relevant
to the objectives of developing a particular transgenic variety or product.
At the moment,
there is no evidence that SE is an issue that adversely affects the safety of
GE crops or their products as food and feed.
July 7, 2009