C Kameswara Rao
Foundation for Biotechnology Awareness and Education,
The Indian private seed companies profited till now from the
basic technology and crop breeding material from the public sector, be it the R
& D institutions of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research or
Universities and their
stations or the Agricultural Research Stations of the State Governments. While a good part of this technology
transfer was above board, some seed companies were often accused of appropriating
the technology without authorization or recompense. Even some of the scientists involved in R
& D in the public sector were accused of having kept their research under
wrap till retirement and of selling it to the private sector
Now the first step in changing this practice is taken by the Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company (Mahyco),
the target board of Indian anti-GE activism. Mahyco is transferring the technology and
basic breeding material of Bt brinjal to two public sector institutions (PSIs), the
University, Coimbatore (TNAU) and the
Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (UASD), though the ownership of the GE event
EE-1 still rests with Mahyco. This partnership arrangement will be extended to the Indian
Institute of Vegetable Research,
University of
Los Banos,
Agricultural Research Institute and a private seed company, East West Seeds,
The Bt brinjal contains a gene construct of Cry 1 Ac from Monsanto, the American MNC, which
has a 26 per cent stake in Mahyco-Monsanto Biotech
(MMB). The PSIs will now use the Mahyco material to backcross with
their own brinjal varieties to incorporate the
genetic event into them, imparting tolerance to the fruit and stem borers of brinjal that cause severe damage to the produce.
alone, 25 million farmers
cultivate brinjal on over 5.1 lakh hectares with an annual production of about 8.2 million tonnes. Even after continuous insecticide application, the stem and fruit borers
affect 50 to 70 per cent of the crop annually.
Mahyco has integrated EE1 into eight of
its own brinjal hybrids (MHB 4, 9, 10, 80, 99, 11,
39, 111) and sought permission of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
(GEAC) for large scale open field trials (LSOFT). The activists contested the move, but
not on any sound scientific grounds. The
GEAC has put all the biosecuirty data provided by Mahyco on its website for public comment. The approval of the GEAC for LSOFT has to
come yet.
The TNAU will use brinjal hybrids
Co-1, PLR-1, MDU-1 and KKM-1 while the UASD will use Manjari Gota, Udupi Gulla, Malapur local, Kudachi local, 112-GO hybrids and Rabkavi local, together covering a large part of the needs of the four southern States.
So long as the PSIs do not involve
in commercializing these Bt varieties, no royalties
need be paid. The farmers can save the
seed to raise the subsequent season’s crop, unlike the Bt cotton hybrids. What costs the farmers
would have to pay for different varieties of Bt brinjal is yet unknown.
It is not clear if the PSIs made
any lump sum payment for the transfer of technology, which seems to have been effected through the Agricultural Biotechnology Support
Project II, funded by the USAID and managed by the
The situation is welcome change as the development of none
of the 60 or so Bt hybrids involved the PSIs. There were
very steep royalty or trait charges paid by the farmers, which was one of the
most serious criticisms against MMB. In
addition, there is the inadvisability of recycling the seed.
While this much-awaited private and
public partnership is refreshing, celebration should be put on hold for several
The Bt brinjal EE1 event did not originate with PSIs, not even with Mahyco; it is
Monsanto’s technology. The Indian
Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) has been developing a Bt brinjal with Cry1Ab for nearly a decade, and its
progress is anybody’s guess.
Of the 67 or so GE crop traits registered for development in
India, the largest number (39) are from about 20 PSIs. In spite of working for 10 to 15 years, not
even a single trait is likely to be commercialized in this decade, not
withstanding the enthusiastic announcements on marketing them soon. None of the events that are now being
commercialized or in the process of commercialization in the near future have
originated in this country; it is imported technology, bought or even pirated,
directly or indirectly.
It is hard to believe that this new
largesse of Mahyco is due to a change of heart;
business compulsions and strategies cannot be ruled out. People who forget history will be condemned
to repeat it.
’s Monopolies and Restrictive Trade
Practices Commission (MRTPC) ruled against MMB on charges of monopoly, which
virtually ended this year. Distributing the Bt brinjal event to a few other seed developers may avoid a repetition of such an
The original four Bt cotton varieties of Mahyco were neither genetically
superior nor suited to all cotton growing regions. Even with some 40 to 60 different Bt cotton varieties today, one is not sure that every
cotton-growing region in the country is being served well. One would wish that more varieties of Bt brinjal with superior genotypes
would be developed for the other regions of the country as well.
The royalty or trait charge
component of Bt cotton was high. Hopefully, MMB would take note of the rough
weather faced by Bt its cotton and fix reasonable
The move to allow some PSIs to share the Bt brinjal technology is good for the public image of Mahyco, viewed as contributing to the much-aspired
private-public partnership. And it would
certainly take a lot of wind out of the anti-tech activists’ tirade against
August 8, 2006