C Kameswara Rao
Foundation for Biotechnology Awareness and Education,
In consideration of a Public Interest
Litigation (PIL) filed on May 1, 2006, seeking a
‘ban on the release of genetically modified organisms/seeds having the
potential of causing major health hazards’, the Supreme Court of India (SCI) directed the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) on
September 22, 2006, not to give new approvals to genetically modified products
until further orders. On October 13, 2006,
the SCI, however, permitted the
Delhi, South Campus
(UDSC) to go ahead with field trials of a genetically engineered (GE) variety
of mustard.
The Petitioner of the PIL has vehemently reacted alleging that the UDSC ‘may have suppressed important
scientific information’, and that this ‘has consequently undermined and
compromised a critical bio-safety order of the Court’. A number of issues were raised, with little
evidence of understanding the science and modern technology behind developing
hybrid Brassicas. The allegations of the Petitioner were widely reported in the Press and are likely to
mislead the public. It is necessary
that the entire background of cultivation of Brassicas,
the problems in producing conventional hybrids among them, the importance of
the recent technology used, and the irrelevance of the allegations made by the
activists, are made known to the public.
Cultivated Brassicas:
Brassica is a group of species of the
mustard family Brassicaceae, which are an important
source of edible and industrial oil, condiment and vegetables. Utilizing variation in their economical and
nutritional trains, both from natural mutations and natural
hybridization and induced mutations and
artificial hybridization, agricultural scientists and farmers have
developed a very large number of cultivated varieties in different parts of the
world, which resulted in a perennial disagreement on their scientific
classification and naming. It may be
convenient to use the popular names of the crops but it is essential to use the
scientific names in the interests of accuracy in international communication,
quality control and Intellectual Property Rights. The scientific names given below were taken
from a recent review of the taxonomy of the Brassica group of crops.
Oil seeds
a) Canola,
Oil rape: Varieties of the Brassica rapa (Oleifera group) are the main source of oil, but
the varieties of the Napus and Campestris group (Bird rape) may also be used for oil extraction.
b) Oil
mustard: In India, canola is uncommon, but other species such as Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra and Sinapis alba are
widely used for oil extraction.
Condiment seeds
a) Black
mustard: Brassica nigra.
b) White
mustard: Sinapis alba, subspecies alba (same as Brassica alba) (used as a condiment, in pickles and
sauces and to temper food)
Leafy vegetables
a) Brown
mustard, Leaf mustard, Baaraalai, Raai, Pahadee Raai: Brassica juncea subspecies integrifolia (same
as Brassica juncea var. rugosa and Brassica rugosa).
b) Brown sarson, Kaali sarson, Indian rape: Brassica rapa (same as Brassica campestris)
c) Raai/Sarson: Brassica rapa (Trilocularis group)(Yellow sarson,
Indian Colze, Peeseeraanee, Peesee sarson, Raanee sarson)
The mustard greens called sarson, used as a vegetable in
, are
different from the seed varieties grown for oil and condiment purposes.
Root vegetable
Turnip: Brassica rapa var. rapa.
Non-mustard vegetables:
Cabbage, cauliflower, knolkohl, broccoli,
Brussels’ sprouts and related group of vegetables are different varieties of Brassica oleracea. Radish is Raphanus sativus, also included in the family Brassicaceae. All
these are cultivated in
Rapeseed oil and Canola:
Rapeseed seed oil is
used extensively as an industrial lubricant in the temperate countries and is
now seriously considered as a source of biodiesel. It is not suitable for human consumption, as
it has an unacceptable sharp taste due to the presence of glucosinolates (500 μ mol/g) and greenish colour. Rapeseed oil is toxic to humans and animals
as it contains over 60 per cent erucic acid (over 60 per
cent), suspected to cause several ailments including cancer. The seed meal was also not palatable to the
Canola is the acronym for the Canadian Oil Low Acid crop, developed in 1974, by the Canadian
plant breeders from the oil seed rape, genetically modified by conventional
techniques, to make it fit for human consumption. Canola is very low in erucic acid (about one per cent), and glucosinolates (30
μ mol/g). It is considered a
healthy edible oil as it contains about 70 per cent of monounsaturated fatty
acids such as oleic acid, more than most other edible oils. Canola seed cake can be used as cattle and
poultry feed.
During the last decade, GE varieties
of canola for resistance against pests, diseases, drought and herbicides, were
developed, though only pest and herbicide resistant varieties have come to be
Reproductive biology of Brassicas:
Wild species of Brassica have genetically determined self-incompatibility factors that prevent the male
cells of a flower from fertilizing the female cells of the same flower (true
self pollination), while this is easy between flowers of neighbouring plants of the same variety (cross pollination). However, during domestication and centuries
of cultivation this has changed considerably and the extent of cross
pollination is usually only 20 to 30 per cent.
Different varieties of Brassica oleracea used as vegetables as mentioned above, are inter-fertile. Nevertheless, farmers had no difficulty in
maintaining them distinct without loss of their identity.
Brassica flowers are honey flowers, visited
by bees, which are the pollinators. People who understood the behaviour of honeybees
appreciate the fact that pollen are not carried by
bees beyond 15 to 20 meters, away from the crop fields. Pollen may also be airborne. Much depends upon the temperature, rain or
humidity, flowering stage and other related factors.
December 2, 2006